Tuesday, December 24, 2019
What Are Fine Art Essay - 1432 Words
1. Fine art is a rather wide-spanning assortment of creative works able to be observed through our senses, such as buildings, sculptures, pottery, songs, and paintings, created primarily or solely for their imaginative, aesthetic, or intellectual content. Works are meant to recall a memory or invoke a certain opinion or view of a situation or subject. They often capture imagery found in nature or human regions such as farms and cities. The topics depicted by fine art are nearly limitless, covering political, religious, comical, romantic, and satirical genres, as well as many others. We as 21st century people are exposed to much more art in everyday life than most people realize. â€Å"Everywhere you go art is evident,†; the office buildings we work in, the paintings hanging on our fridges made by our children, and the music we hear on the radio, at recitals, and yes, even coming from the shower, are all expressions of art; it is by no means confined to museums (Montenagler). E very human is made in the Image of our Creator, and because of this we are inherently creative beings (Genesis 1:26). Therefore, we can all be considered artists in one way or another. 2. As I will discuss later in the meeting, a piece must have meaning to be classified as art. The tricky part (and arguably the best part) is uncovering the meaning in said art. As we can see in Jackson Pollock’s drip paintings, â€Å"it s like trying to crack a walnut†¦ your job as an observer of the painting is to crack theShow MoreRelatedCourse Integration Is Another Solution1478 Words  | 6 Pagescurriculums can be laid down to weave Common Core and the fine arts together to create a beautiful product of different fine arts disciplines and Common Core standards (Adams, Pederson, and Narboni). Imagine connecting math and music, or art and history, or even dance and gym. The students’ motivation for learning will increase as in this example; a student might like art but not history. If he looks at history through the perspective of art, then he might find more enjoyment out of his history classRead MoreImplementing Core Tested Programs For Schools1396 Words  | 6 Pagesclasses, which prevents students from achieving their full potential in the affected classes. Instructional time is important, especially in the fine arts. In order to have an arts program with the tangible results and benefits previously explained, elementary students require to have at least 50 hours of instructional time in order to give them a solid base in art disciplines (Good, 374). The schools who would prefer to focus their resources on the Core tested programs will see improvement in the CoreRead MoreGraphic Design And Art And Design1182 Words  | 5 PagesOften times a painting has the same structure as a design. The details can be similar for both Graphic Design and Fine Art. Paintings such as Son of Man by Magritte which has basics such as shadow, highlight, simple composition, and a dull color palette. A design for Apple Laptops was created of a decal of Son of Man. This design also had shadow, light, basic composition, and an achromatic color palett e. The structure is the same, but one is created digitally and one is a painting. The processesRead MoreDo Schools Really Care About Their Students? Do Schools1456 Words  | 6 Pagesjoin to become one of â€Å"them†. Then there is the fine arts possibly a page here or there in the yearbook that one may have seen. In high school, it is all about finding the groups that benefit one the most. Little do schools know that their beloved sports teams do no provide that. Even though some schools do not care for the fine arts, every school should make the fine arts a requirement in school. On the other hand schools should keep, defunding fine art programs because they are a waste of money.Read MoreEssay on Fine Arts Education Issues1541 Words  | 7 PagesFine Arts Education Issues According to the National Art Education Association’s goals for schools, â€Å"all elementary schools shall require students to complete a sequential program of art instruction that integrates the study of art production, aesthetics, art criticism, and art history,†(Clark, 1987). Elementary schools are having difficulty because they are cutting back on the fine arts programming and many non-specialist classroom teachers are expected to integrate the fine arts into theirRead MoreThe Effect Of Fine Arts On Standardized Tests Scores993 Words  | 4 Pageslargest issues with fine arts implementation is the narrow effects. Garcia et. al conducted research that attempted to determine the effect fine arts have on standardized test scores. The researchers found that specific students attending schools with dense fine arts programs scored higher on the state standardized test; however, this improvement does not imply that fine arts will effectively cure the education decl ine. When analyzing the results, one sees that the fine arts mainly affect one groupRead MoreHigh Fine Arts Programs Should Be Funded1275 Words  | 6 Pagesnation issued financial cuts, Fine Arts programs have been reduced or completely abolished. This reduction instigates the controversy on how to deal with prioritizing funding from the federal government. Students, parents, teachers, taxpayers, schools, and the federal government are all directly involved in this controversy. People that value arts education tend to be more anxious about the possible outcomes. The stakeholders are divided on whether or not the fine arts should be funded in schools.Read MoreDo A Work Of Fine Art?1157 Words  | 5 Pagesa work of fine art. What came to mind? Was it a painting by Van Gogh, or Andy Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Cans, a current pop song, or a symphony by Beethoven, a piece of literature authored by Emily Brontà «, or one by the Kardashians? Due to its objectivity, art is all encompassing: It can be anything created, written, performed, or photographed within which someone finds beauty. Conversely, fine art is exclusive and elite as evidenced by its’ name and the distinction between itself and art as a wholeRead MoreBenefits Of The Fine Arts Programs1349 Words  | 6 PagesAn equivalent solution to solve the issue of under focused fine arts programs includes organizing a school’s current instruction time more efficiently within the school day. Schools could achieve efficiently using a combination of course integration and more planned and punctual lesson plans. Class time of Core subjects normally take precedent over arts classes and non Core subjects. Maximizing instructional time for all subjects would benefit the students and schools, despite the high cost it wouldRead MoreFine Arts Programs Should Be Kept in Schools Essay861 Words  | 4 PagesFine arts gives students a chance to pour their hearts into something beautiful; a chance to be a part of something that is bigger than just themselves. Some schools are facing financial troubles with the current economy, and one of the first programs they consider cutting is fine arts. The removal of fine arts programs would be absolutely devastating to countless members of the community. Many students would lose their favorite class, in some cases the one class that helps them get through the day
Monday, December 16, 2019
Want and Ambition Free Essays
1. What spring in to your mind when you hear the word â€Å"ambition†? Whenever I hear the word ambition as if there’s someone beside me and telling to take actions! I have so many ambitions in life that I need to fulfill. These ambitions will help me to strive harder and reach the goal to be a successful one. We will write a custom essay sample on Want and Ambition or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2. Are you ambitious? Yes, I am ambitious. Definitely I am, we all need to accept the facts that people meant to be ambitious to take harder or strive to get what we goal in life. Related article: My Aim Is To Become A Collector People who are â€Å"ambitious†are viewed sometimes as either selfish or unrealistic. But still no matter how we look on it, there are no such bad things in having ambition. All we need to do is admit it to ourselves and give ourselves permission to pursue it. 4. Who is the most ambitious person you know? I am ambitious person; I have many ambitions in life that I need to fulfill. I knew inside me that I have many things I want to have or achieve. In family, career and even in fame there are a lot of these ambitions in my life. 5. What were your ambitions when you were a child? When I was small, I was dreaming to become a journalist. Whenever I hear someone reporting on television I will face in front of the mirror and will hold anything and pretend that it’s a microphone and start repeating the message that the reporter stated on the news. Later on I decided that I would like to build a big shop where kids would be able to find everything they needed so as their dreams would come true. My parents were always smiling at me, charmed by my high ambitions in life. While growing, I started to form more definite picture of my future and was almost sure that I want to be a diplomat. 7. What ambition do you have that you think you’ll realize and won’t realize? 8. Why do you have ambitions? I have my ambition because, having ambition in hard times like things are not going well, will lead me to get myself out of them and find happiness and success. If we have no ambition in our life, we have no drive for anything. Nothing will seem important. 9. What’s the different between ambition and a dream? To dream is without effort as if your only dreaming for an impossible thing to happen while ambition you have to take step by step to reach each of your ambition and take risks to fulfill all of these. 10. What ambition have you held the longest? The ambition I held the longest in real life is to graduate in a diplomat with a degree holder. Wherein I can find a good job to help my parents and provide them own house and live with a happy and contented life. 11. What happens after you have fulfilled all your ambitions? The best is when the source of ambition becomes my desire to reach my big goal or to fulfill my life in purpose. The only thing that will happen after fulfilling my ambition is contentment. 12. What do you think it feels like to fulfill a lifetime ambition? I think it feels like I am the happiest person and will having a peaceful mind. Of course everyone is asking and striving to reach a lifetime ambition. And if that happens to me and in God’s will, I’ll thank him. How to cite Want and Ambition, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
British Mercantilism Essay Research Paper Whether British free essay sample
British Mercantilism Essay, Research Paper Whether British mercantile system had any consequence on the happening of the American Revolution is a many old ages disputed inquiry of historiographers. There are many inquiries that need to be asked before you can make up ones mind this ultimate inquiry. Ex-husband: Did the Navigation Acts keep back the turning American economic system or did they assist hike the American economic system with a certain market for all America s merchandises? Or, were the Navigation Acts unjust pursuits asked of Britain? Many historiographers have answered these inquiries, during different clip periods, and all with new mentalities and grounds for their sentiment. First of all, mercantile system was to unite and increase the power of Britain by a rigorous governmental ordinance of the full national economic system through policies designed to procure an accretion of money, a favourable balance of trade, the development of agribusiness and industries, and the constitution of foreign trading monopolies. We will write a custom essay sample on British Mercantilism Essay Research Paper Whether British or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page George Bancroft wrote in the 1830 s that the Navigation Acts were so oppressive as to represent a primary cause of the American Revolution. Charles M. Andrews, a member of the imperial school of historiographers, wrote in the 1930 s that the Navigation Acts did non stand for a policy of economic subjugation but instead a sincere effort by Britain to form the disposal of the imperium. Yet another historiographer, Lawrence A. Harper, who wrote in 1939, took the position of the loads outweighing the benefits received from the Navigation Acts. I agree with George Bancroft and Lawrence A Harper, I believe the Navigation Acts did more injury than good for the American settlements. George Bancroft, composing from the ant-British point of position, said Colonial trade was confined so purely by ordinances that Americans were allowed to sell to foreign states merely those goods in which England had no involvement. This illustration of economic ejection, he said, ruined the relationship between Britain and the settlements and helped to convey about the Revolution. George Bancroft criticized the Navigation Acts and other mercantilist limitations and insisted that this was the chief, and degree Fahrenheit or most, cause of the American Revolution. Another historian, composing from the pro-British point of position from the imperial school of historiographers, said that the imperial policy of supervising was uneffective so the Torahs of Britain did non affect settlers anyhow. He said the American settlers were restrained really small in economic activities. So, Charles M. Andrews concluded the Navigation Acts and other limitations were used merely a usher to make integrity and order within the settlements and Britain. Lawrence A. Harper took a more conservative point of position, with chief points of both sides, all propensity towards the anti-British point of position on the Navigation Acts. Harper argued on one point with other historiographers of the Navigation Torahs being uneffective because settlers evaded them anyhow. A survey of his showed that there was really small smuggling in trade across the Atlantic. Harper believes that the settlements received many benefits from Britain, like military protection, but finally concludes that the loads of the Navigation Acts outweighed the benefits received. There were both good points and bad points to British mercantile system. The settlements received military protection, a certain market for all of the goods offered by Americans, and with some of the Torahs the industries in America were benefited. Some bad points to British mercantile system were control over everything the settlers did, Britain became stricter and stricter with the settlers, any money the settlers made from trade in the West Indies was drained off to England, British merchandisers had a regulation neer to direct bullion or gold to the settlements, and certain industries had to cover with more ordinances because Britain did non desire competition for its ain companies. In decision, when looking at the large image and all advantages and disadvantages, I am in understanding with George Bancroft, and Lawrence A. Harper, the British mercantilist ways stunted the growing of the America s settlements to be comfortable Oklahoman. Because of this, bitterness built up in the settlements toward the female parent state and therefore, finally, caused the American Revolution.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Mind Of A Serial Killer Essay Example For Students
The Mind Of A Serial Killer Essay SERIAL MURDER: In the last three decades the USA has been troubled by an approaching problem, the serial killer. A serial killer is a person who kills a number of people, usually considered over five, with a cooling off period between each murder, usually one murder at one given time). Two murders at one time occasionally happen and these murders may go on for a period of months or years until the killer is caught. Throughout the last three decades the US serial killer rate has risen 94% and it is estimated that by the next millennium it will claim an average of 11 lives a day. Serial Murder is an epidemic; there are at least 35 serial killers active in the USA today who claim one third of the annual murder rate. We will write a custom essay on The Mind Of A Serial Killer specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The USA has 6% of the worlds population yet it has three quarters of all serial killers. Not only are serial killers appearing in more numbers in the US but also all over the world countries are terrorized by serial killers, which are appearing in more numbers year and year after. KILLER TRAIT: A serial killer is a typical white male, 20-30, and most of them are usually in the USA. Their main motives are sex (even though the act of sex may or may not take place), power, manipulation, domination and control. The sex motive is usually rape for an organized killer and sadism for a disorganized killer. They act in a series of 5 or more murders with a cooling off period between each murder. Serial killers can go on for months and years before they are usually caught. The victim is usually the same for every killer prostitute, hitchhiker etc. Their victims may also have the same or similar attributes in gender, age, race, general look, residence etc. Serial killers also stick by their modus operandi very closely and may change it with experience. Most murders occur by strangulation, suffocation, stabbing etc. Serial killers act by a sex-murder fantasy based with their control, they usually live in this dream world in their teens until they act it out for real when they get into the adult stage. As each murder occurs a serial killer may be disappointed by his murder fantasy and may act it out again to achieve it to there own satisfaction. CHARACTERISTICS OF A SERIAL KILLER: 1. Killings are separate (serial), occurring with greater or less frequency, often escalating over a period of time, sometimes years, and will continue until the killer is taken into custody, dies, or is himself/herself killed. 2. In common with normal homicides, killing tends to be one on one. There are instances however where a serial killer has struck down more than one victim in a single incident. 3. There is no (or very little) previous connection between the perpetrator and the victim; the persons involved rarely being related. 4. Although there may be a pattern or victim trait, individual murders within a series rarely display a clearly defined or rational motive. 5. An increasingly greater spatial mobility (since the advent of the automobile) has enabled killers (if they wish) to move rapidly from one place to another, often before a murder has even been discovered. 6. There is usually a high degree of redundant violence, or an overkill, where the victim is subjected to a disproportionate level of brutality. MOTIVES: These are the motives a serial killer might display (some killers display various motives): Visionaries Acts in response to voices and is instructed by these voices to perform the act of murder. These killers are usually schizophrenic and psychotic. Missionaries They think it is their responsibility to rid society of unwanted elements. Hedonists Kill because murder causes them pleasure. .u43ac6111fcc8a3421f25c65400083b89 , .u43ac6111fcc8a3421f25c65400083b89 .postImageUrl , .u43ac6111fcc8a3421f25c65400083b89 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u43ac6111fcc8a3421f25c65400083b89 , .u43ac6111fcc8a3421f25c65400083b89:hover , .u43ac6111fcc8a3421f25c65400083b89:visited , .u43ac6111fcc8a3421f25c65400083b89:active { border:0!important; } .u43ac6111fcc8a3421f25c65400083b89 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u43ac6111fcc8a3421f25c65400083b89 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u43ac6111fcc8a3421f25c65400083b89:active , .u43ac6111fcc8a3421f25c65400083b89:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u43ac6111fcc8a3421f25c65400083b89 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u43ac6111fcc8a3421f25c65400083b89 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u43ac6111fcc8a3421f25c65400083b89 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u43ac6111fcc8a3421f25c65400083b89 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u43ac6111fcc8a3421f25c65400083b89:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u43ac6111fcc8a3421f25c65400083b89 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u43ac6111fcc8a3421f25c65400083b89 .u43ac6111fcc8a3421f25c65400083b89-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u43ac6111fcc8a3421f25c65400083b89:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: LEGALIZATION Essay Lust Killers Kill for sexual gratification with acts that are usually sadistic. Thrill Killers Kill because of a desire for a thrill or experience. Gain Killers Kill for personal gain. The killer premeditates the act to require financial gain or materialistic goods. While gain is not the main motive in a murder some serial killers have took the opportunity to steal from their victims for their own personal . The Mind of a Serial Killer Essay Example For Students The Mind of a Serial Killer Essay In the last three decades the USA has been troubled by an approaching problem, the serial killer. A serial killer is a person who kills a number of people, usually considered over five, with a cooling off period between each murder, usually one murder at one given time). Two murders at one time occasionally happen and these murders may go on for a period of months or years until the killer is caught. Throughout the last three decades the US serial killer rate has risen 94% and it is estimated that by the next millennium it will claim an average of 11 lives a day. Serial Murder is an epidemic; there are at least 35 serial killers active in the USA today who claim one third of the annual murder rate. We will write a custom essay on The Mind of a Serial Killer specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The USA has 6% of the worlds population yet it has three quarters of all serial killers. Not only are serial killers appearing in more numbers in the US but also all over the world countries are terrorized by serial killers, which are appearing in more numbers year and year after. A serial killer is a typical white male, 20-30, and most of them are usually in the USA. Their main motives are sex (even though the act of sex may or may not take place), power, manipulation, domination and control. The sex motive is usually rape for an organized killer and sadism for a disorganized killer. They act in a series of 5 or more murders with a cooling off period between each murder. Serial killers can go on for months and years before they are usually caught. The victim is usually the same for every killer prostitute, hitchhiker etc. Their victims may also have the same or similar attributes in gender, age, race, general look, residence etc. Serial killers also stick by their modus operandi very closely and may change it with experience. Most murders occur by strangulation, suffocation, stabbing etc. Serial killers act by a sex-murder fantasy based with their control, they usually live in this dream world in their teens until they act it out for real when they get into the adult stage. As each murder occurs a serial killer may be disappointed by his murder fantasy and may act it out again to achieve it to there own satisfaction. 1. Killings are separate (serial), occurring with greater or less frequency, often escalating over a period of time, sometimes years, and will continue until the killer is taken into custody, dies, or is himself/herself killed. 2. In common with normal homicides, killing tends to be one on one. There are instances however where a serial killer has struck down more than one victim in a single incident. 3. There is no (or very little) previous connection between the perpetrator and the victim; the persons involved rarely being related. 4. Although there may be a pattern or victim trait, individual murders within a series rarely display a clearly defined or rational motive. 5. An increasingly greater spatial mobility (since the advent of the automobile) has enabled killers (if they wish) to move rapidly from one place to another, often before a murder has even been discovered. 6. There is usually a high degree of redundant violence, or an overkill, where the victim is subjected to a disproportionate level of brutality. These are the motives a serial killer might display (some killers display various motives): Visionaries Acts in response to voices and is instructed by these voices to perform the act of murder. These killers are usually schizophrenic and psychotic. Missionaries They think it is their responsibility to rid society of unwanted elements. Hedonists Kill because murder causes them pleasure. .u65ce8338535fabbb5894933d5699af81 , .u65ce8338535fabbb5894933d5699af81 .postImageUrl , .u65ce8338535fabbb5894933d5699af81 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u65ce8338535fabbb5894933d5699af81 , .u65ce8338535fabbb5894933d5699af81:hover , .u65ce8338535fabbb5894933d5699af81:visited , .u65ce8338535fabbb5894933d5699af81:active { border:0!important; } .u65ce8338535fabbb5894933d5699af81 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u65ce8338535fabbb5894933d5699af81 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u65ce8338535fabbb5894933d5699af81:active , .u65ce8338535fabbb5894933d5699af81:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u65ce8338535fabbb5894933d5699af81 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u65ce8338535fabbb5894933d5699af81 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u65ce8338535fabbb5894933d5699af81 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u65ce8338535fabbb5894933d5699af81 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u65ce8338535fabbb5894933d5699af81:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u65ce8338535fabbb5894933d5699af81 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u65ce8338535fabbb5894933d5699af81 .u65ce8338535fabbb5894933d5699af81-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u65ce8338535fabbb5894933d5699af81:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Police Brutality Essay Lust Killers Kill for sexual gratification with acts that are usually sadistic. Thrill Killers Kill because of a desire for a thrill or experience. Gain Killers Kill for personal gain. The killer premeditates the act to require financial gain or materialistic goods. While gain is not the main motive in a murder some serial killers have took the opportunity to steal from their victims for their own personal gain. Power Seekers Kill for . The Mind Of A Serial Killer Essay Example For Students The Mind Of A Serial Killer Essay SERIAL MURDER: In the last three decades the USA has been troubled by an approaching problem, the serial killer. A serial killer is a person who kills a number of people, usually considered over five, with a cooling off period between each murder, usually one murder at one given time). Two murders at one time occasionally happen and these murders may go on for a period of months or years until the killer is caught. Throughout the last three decades the US serial killer rate has risen 94% and it is estimated that by the next millennium it will claim an average of 11 lives a day. Serial Murder is an epidemic; there are at least 35 serial killers active in the USA today who claim one third of the annual murder rate. We will write a custom essay on The Mind Of A Serial Killer specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The USA has 6% of the worlds population yet it has three quarters of all serial killers. Not only are serial killers appearing in more numbers in the US but also all over the world countries are terrorized by serial killers, which are appearing in more numbers year and year after. KILLER TRAIT: A serial killer is a typical white male, 20-30, and most of them are usually in the USA. Their main motives are sex (even though the act of sex may or may not take place), power, manipulation, domination and control. The sex motive is usually rape for an organized killer and sadism for a disorganized killer. They act in a series of 5 or more murders with a cooling off period between each murder. Serial killers can go on for months and years before they are usually caught. The victim is usually the same for every killer prostitute, hitchhiker etc. Their victims may also have the same or similar attributes in gender, age, race, general look, residence etc. Serial killers also stick by their modus operandi very closely and may change it with experience. Most murders occur by strangulation, suffocation, stabbing etc. Serial killers act by a sex-murder fantasy based with their control, they usually live in this dream world in their teens until they act it out for real when they get into the adult stage. As each murder occurs a serial killer may be disappointed by his murder fantasy and may act it out again to achieve it to there own satisfaction. CHARACTERISTICS OF A SERIAL KILLER: 1. Killings are separate (serial), occurring with greater or less frequency, often escalating over a period of time, sometimes years, and will continue until the killer is taken into custody, dies, or is himself/herself killed. 2. In common with normal homicides, killing tends to be one on one. There are instances however where a serial killer has struck down more than one victim in a single incident. 3. There is no (or very little) previous connection between the perpetrator and the victim; the persons involved rarely being related. 4. Although there may be a pattern or victim trait, individual murders within a series rarely display a clearly defined or rational motive. 5. An increasingly greater spatial mobility (since the advent of the automobile) has enabled killers (if they wish) to move rapidly from one place to another, often before a murder has even been discovered. 6. There is usually a high degree of redundant violence, or an overkill, where the victim is subjected to a disproportionate level of brutality. MOTIVES: These are the motives a serial killer might display (some killers display various motives): Visionaries Acts in response to voices and is instructed by these voices to perform the act of murder. These killers are usually schizophrenic and psychotic. Missionaries They think it is their responsibility to rid society of unwanted elements. Hedonists Kill because murder causes them pleasure. .u549ff88a7b59c2ae50b68f76aab3f6b1 , .u549ff88a7b59c2ae50b68f76aab3f6b1 .postImageUrl , .u549ff88a7b59c2ae50b68f76aab3f6b1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u549ff88a7b59c2ae50b68f76aab3f6b1 , .u549ff88a7b59c2ae50b68f76aab3f6b1:hover , .u549ff88a7b59c2ae50b68f76aab3f6b1:visited , .u549ff88a7b59c2ae50b68f76aab3f6b1:active { border:0!important; } .u549ff88a7b59c2ae50b68f76aab3f6b1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u549ff88a7b59c2ae50b68f76aab3f6b1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u549ff88a7b59c2ae50b68f76aab3f6b1:active , .u549ff88a7b59c2ae50b68f76aab3f6b1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u549ff88a7b59c2ae50b68f76aab3f6b1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u549ff88a7b59c2ae50b68f76aab3f6b1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u549ff88a7b59c2ae50b68f76aab3f6b1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u549ff88a7b59c2ae50b68f76aab3f6b1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u549ff88a7b59c2ae50b68f76aab3f6b1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u549ff88a7b59c2ae50b68f76aab3f6b1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u549ff88a7b59c2ae50b68f76aab3f6b1 .u549ff88a7b59c2ae50b68f76aab3f6b1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u549ff88a7b59c2ae50b68f76aab3f6b1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Titus Essay Lust Killers Kill for sexual gratification with acts that are usually sadistic. Thrill Killers Kill because of a desire for a thrill or experience. Gain Killers Kill for personal gain. The killer premeditates the act to require financial gain or materialistic goods. While gain is not the main motive in a murder some serial killers have took the opportunity to steal from their victims for their own personal .
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The First Reconstruction A Revolution essays
The First Reconstruction A Revolution essays Many people will argue that the social and political changes in the period between 1860 and 1877 culminated in a revolution. This time period, known as the First Reconstruction, made many advances in equality for Blacks in voting, politics, and the use of public facilities. The lawmakers of the time were however unable to make adequate progress in advancing economic equality; therefore Blacks didnt completely escape their original plight. This should not be considered a revolution because its results were quickly reversed when former confederate leaders and other bigots reclaimed the power of legislation in the South. The First Reconstruction was a result of the Civil War and lasted until 1977. The political, social, and economic conditions after the war helped define the goals of lawmakers during the Reconstruction. Congress now had to decide on how they were going to address such topics as; Black equality, rebuilding of the South, admission of southern state to the Union, and deciding who would control the government. In the south the newly freed slaves wandered the countryside and the white population was devastated due to their loss in the recent war. The south was also devastated economically; plantations were destroyed, railroads torn up, their labor force gone, and cities were burned. In the post Civil War era there was a struggle for the power, each with their own ideas on how the country should go about in the reconstruction process. First, the Southern Democrats, a party made up of former Confederate leaders and other members of the aristocracy, strived to end the perceived control of the North over the South. They also sought the reinstitution of slavery under a different name, Black Codes. These codes would provide a cheap labor force to the plantations by limiting the rights of Blacks to move, vote, travel, and change jobs. Second, Moderate Republicans wanted to obtain a policy of reconciliation bet...
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Determine Which Marketing Tools Are Best For Your Team
How to Determine Which Marketing Tools Are Best For Your Team Picture this. Youre at your desk. Suddenly you realize theres got to be a better, faster way to accomplish your marketing goals, whether that be with a keyword, social media scheduling, project management, or email marketing tool. So you turn to the almighty Google And youre flooded by thousands of options, you cant seem to make sense of where to start. There are offers for trials everywhere, coupled with insane amounts of advice and you havent even figured out exactly what your team needs let alone looking at how much this tool is vs another *Insert panic screaming here* Breathe, you got this. And if you dont, well, this blog post will help get you through. Youll learn how to: Prioritize your teams needs. Learn the criteria you need to make the best decision when it comes to finding a marketing tool for your team. Learn how to pitch your winning tool to your boss. Learn how to pitch your winning tool to your team. Before You Start Your Research Dont just start Googling. Trust me. Diving right into the research phase of your marketing tool selection process can quickly become overwhelming. Just look at the first page of results when you type marketing tool into Google. Dont even get me started on the ads that will surface on your Google searches as well. Youve got advice coming at you left and right, and while that is great, it doesnt necessarily give you the jumping off point you need to start making decisions about a potential tool. There is a way to fix this. Before you start your research, sit down and prioritize what your team needs in order to be successful. Before you start researching marketing tools, sit down prioritize what your team needs to beIts really that simple. By knowing what your team needs to fix a broken process, or automate it so it goes faster, youre able to walk into your search knowing what youre looking for. So how do you create that list? Open a document or download Marketing Tool template. Once you've downloaded the template, click the second tab at the bottom: Here's what you'll see next: Begin to write down and prioritize what you think your team would need to be successful. And now you're staring at a blinking cursor wondering what to write. Here are some prompts that may help you begin your list: What does your team need to accomplish in order to be successful? What does your team want to accomplish that they think will make them successful? What's currently broken in your marketing process that you think a tool could help fix? What does your current process look like? What does your dream marketing process look like? How would you like to see your process flow in a new tool? Where are your team members divided into silos? What does this tool need to accomplish to break down those silos? From the answers you write down, you can identify what qualities you are looking for in a marketing tool. List Your Top 10 Must-Have Criteria These are features that absolutely must be a part of the tool that you select. They are you non-negotiables. Your top ten list could include things like. Drag and drop calendar features Social analytics tool Task lists Being able to assign tasks to team members Team reports Email integrations Project management features like being able to group by content type Being able to add in all of your social channels Landing page integrations WordPress or other blogging software integrations Automated task reminders Comment section on projects Being able to group multiple pieces of content under one campaign Minimum or maximum number of users Price per user/social channel I could keep going with this list but I don't want to bore you. Your list may look a bit different from the one above and that's okay. Every marketing team is different, which means the end goals you have may be different then the end goals the team at has. Now you have your must have criteria. You can start searching NOW right? Not quite. Sorry, I promise, we're almost there. List Your Top Ten "Would Be Nice To Have" Criteria Why? Because you're going to be researching a lot of tools. Those nice-to-haves could be the determining factor between one tool and another. Your initial list could look something like this. Automated optimum posting times Due dates that move automatically when you move a project Completion bar that shows the progress on a project Internal comment or chat system within the app Mobile app for on the go editing Approval process that let's a manager know if content has been reviewed or not Pre-made printable progress reports Social Media competitor analysis Google Analytics, bit.ly and other integrations The ability to separate different clients or projects by calendar Again, your specific list will depend on what type of tool you're looking for. Recommended Reading: How to Be More Successful With the Right Content Marketing Tools Start Your Initial Research Phase Yes, we finally got to the research phase. But I'm not unleashing you on to Google just yet. There's a good reason I promise. How you research is just as important as what you research. How you research your marketing tools is just as important as what you research them for.Pick One Researcher From Your Marketing Team Having only one researcher pays off for a number of different reasons: We have innate nature to compete with one another. If you have 10 people researching 10 different tools, you suddenly have ten people championing their favorite tool. Not only is that a lot of noise, you have each person competing to say that they were the ones that picked the new marketing tool. You only need one expert. The person that is conducting your research knows exactly what your team needs. They in essence, become an expert in all things marketing tools, making it easier to make an informed decision. You don't want to waste the team's already limited time. You know you're team is busy. Taking away an hour of 10 people's time on your team is 10 hours that could have been spent elsewhere. Taking away even 3 hours of one person's time is a much more manageable task.Your team is already loaded to the max. Don't stress them out more then necessary. Research Your Top Ten Tools Okay, open up your browser. You can finally start searching for your marketing tool. You're going to have a lot of options and that's ok. That's why we made your checklist. As you go through the endless pages of tools, document them in your top ten in your spreadsheet that you downloaded earlier. Get that done? Ok, let's keep going. Add up the totals in your spreadsheet and narrow them down to your top three. Look for tools that: Meet your must-have criteria Meet your budget Meet most if not all of your must have's Why three you ask? Understand the Psychology of Three First, Second, and Third. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Yours, mine and ours. Lots of things come in threes. Why? Because repeating a message three times helps stop the internal noise and distractions going on around you. Having three similar tools that meet your expectations will help solidify, in your mind, what tool you need. Choosing new marketing tools? Here's why you should narrow your choices down to three:Make Your Final Decision So you've narrowed in down to your top three tools. Check your point system again. Did one edge out over the others? If so, there is your winner. That was easy, wasn't it? Recommended Reading: How to Influence Marketing Change Management [Backed By Science] How To Pitch Your Favorite Tool You did all that work and you finally have the results of all your labor. This is the tool that you believe will revolutionize the way your marketing team works. Now you just have to convince your boss to believe that too. What if I told you I outlined your entire presentation for you? You can download the whole thing right now. However, if you want to take the time to build your own presentation here's some things that you're going to want to cover. What To Cover In Your Presentation For Your Boss Depending on what your boss wants to see in your presentation, your list may vary. However, if it was me, this is what I would cover. What brought on the need for the tool? What did I hope the team would gain by investing in a tool? What qualifications would I be measuring this tool against? How many tools did I initially research? What did I narrow my decision down to? What qualities put this tool over the top? Price point Is there a demo or trail period that we could do to see if the tool works? You convinced your boss. They gave you the green light to move forward. Now the task lies on you convincing your team that they need this tool.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Mid-Term Status Report Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Mid- Status Report - Term Paper Example Development of the food industry in Saudi Arabia has placed the requirement for better quality of food supplies. Arzaq avails the chance of being one of the main importers of food supplies to keep their restaurants and grocery stores completely equipped with food items at all times. In the present competitive global business realm, marketing plays a vital role in guaranteeing the success of food industry in the market. Saudi Arabia is not an exemption from this competitive business atmosphere in the global market. The financial system of Saudi Arabia is oil-based and there is a well-built government control over all the main financial activities. So, proper attention should be given to every stage of the project by way of mid-term status report. This report includes mostly the analysis part since it is a mid-term report. Analysis part includes the market analysis of food industry in Saudi Arabia. As a direct outcome of such mid-term status report evaluation processes, various plans i ntended at improving the main plan have been drafted and as such, the proposals contained in the report have at the present turned out to be specific initiatives, looking to improve the execution of all programs that have been assessed and examined. Taking into account all efforts of various people involved in this mid-term status report, we would like to thank them as well as dedicate the document to them for having helped to turn it into a reality. Both primary and secondary sources will be used to recognize the most appropriate way to set up the HRD at Arzaq. Literature review and market analysis prove that the best way to establish the HRD is to evaluate the organizational structure of other business establishments of similar size and ideally carrying out similar services as well as find out how the HRD functions in them. The main aim of this project is to successfully set up the HRD at Arzaq that rapidly fits into the culture of the organization and assists the company in devel oping quality of performance of the workforce. After carrying out a marketing and situational analysis of Arzaq food industry of operations, there have been various discoveries as to how the organization can make use of its operations to increase its competitiveness. Background of the Project: Our viewpoint for the Saudi Arabian customer sector remains bright, in line with the most recent economic indicators. The Saudi Arabian financial system is currently firing on every cylinder, as high oil costs, heavy government expenses and buoyant customer confidence continue to drive development. The adjustment of the HRD into Arzaq’s organization and its competence will be examined after it has been established. The performance of HRD will be evaluated with regard to business of the Arzaq’s systems, volume of knowledge, and value of performance of the employees. Arzaq started out as a private company through a very limited scope, but in its successful efforts to respond to the increasing requirements of the market, has enlarged in its scope and size of work. The company is at the present large enough to contend with any reputable service providers in this area, and so needs an appropriate human resource department (HRD). Until now, the HRD services were being carried out informally by the top management that has been multitasking, but at the present the need for an
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The image of hip hop Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The image of hip hop - Essay Example Born during the 70’s and still going strong after thirty years, Hip Hop is here to stay. Slowly and steadily, Hip Hop has gained acceptance and now is followed by the youngsters all over the world. However, the question is not of the staying power, but the morality of the Hip Hop. How does it affect the society as a whole? Hip Hop culture, in itself, is not good or bad. How the artist and the audience uses it, makes it good or bad. The choice is our responsibility. Hip Hop is an example of good effort gone wrong. It started as a way of expression and ended up being a victim of consumerism. It eventually got identified with anti-social elements. The image was tarnished. This is Eminem singing about his life. And in the same song his friend tells him not to get violent but to try to understand the other’s explanation. You can imagine these lyrics in different scenario. Imagine you are a man with an agonized, abused and traumatic childhood as was Eminem’s. The difference is, you are from a very educated, sophisticated, high society and wealthy family. What will you do? You will go to a psychoanalyst, sleep on his couch and say the same things that Eminem is saying through his songs. The difference is upbringing, the class and the background that you have. So the hip hop singers are using the physical, obscene and primal style of expression because they are brought up that way. They are the victims of their environment. However, there are song lyrics that use the obscene language and words that talk about sex, killings, drugs and weapons. The videos of these kind of
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Problems of Democracy in Pakistan Essay Example for Free
Problems of Democracy in Pakistan Essay After years of military dictatorships followed by sham democracy, the situation in Pakistan has reached such a point that the masses are yearning for radical change. Their suffering is immense as the people at the top continue to enrich themselves at the expensive of the workers and peasants, collaborating with imperialism as it rides rough-shod over the people of Pakistan. Everything is moving to an inevitable revolutionary explosion. Pakistan’s Supreme Court in its verdict of 16 December, 2009 declared the notorious NRO null and void ab initio. The National Reconciliation Ordinance of October 2007 was promulgated by the then President of Pakistan General Parvaiz Musharraf. It was the outcome of a deal he had struck with Benazir Bhutto, life Chairperson of the Pakistan People’s Party in a covert meeting in Abu Dhabi. The deal was brokered by the United States and Britain. The aim was to create a new setup that could facilitate the imperialist war and other interests in this turbulent region. According to this ordinance all cases of politicians including corruption, murder, extortion, kidnappings and other heinous crimes would be withdrawn. Some of the major beneficiaries are now in power including Benazir’s widower Zardari, now the President of Pakistan and some of his most sinister ministers. The other main beneficiary is the Muteheda Qaumi Movement, MQM, whose leader, an absconder resident in London for several years, and its other leading figures were facing charges of murder and other crimes. The MQM is a mafia-type organisation with neo-fascist tendencies and its main ideological baggage is based on ethnic conflict. The present democratic dispensation is the product of such a nefarious design. After Benazir’s assassination in December 2007 Musharraf’s fate was sealed. The plan B came into action and Zardari having a long standing relationship with US officials was catapulted into the presidency with his firm assurance that he would be more subservient to the Americans than Musharraf or Benazir could ever have been. The Electoral College for this election are comprised of members of the National and provincial assemblies who were elected in the February 2008 elections, the results of which were tailor-made in Washington to serve the imperialist strategies. Ironically this unanimity, or â€Å"reconciliation†, between all the parties in Parliament was prompted by a collective fear on the part of these representatives of the ruling class in the wake of the beginnings of a mass movement that they witnessed on the arrival of Benazir from exile in Karachi on October 18, 2007 and later after the explosion of the wrath of the workers, peasants and youth at the news of her assassination on December 27, 2007. After a long period of suffering, the oppressed in Pakistan had risen up in the hope that the leader of their traditional party, the PPP under Benazir Bhutto, would be a beacon of change and free them from the unrelenting misery and distress. The Americans had already done their homework with the PPP leaders, who mainly come from the moneyed classes, to divert this outburst into a democratic election and facade of â€Å"democracy†. These leaders drowned the mass anger and revolt in sorrow and despair. They refused to call for a general strike for the elections to be held on the scheduled date of January 8, 2008 and blocked the movement. This gave an opportunity to the Pakistani state and its imperialist masters to regroup their forces and stave off the threat of a revolutionary upheaval. The Military in Pakistan has ruled directly for more than half of the country’s 62 years of chequered history. All the military regimes were supported and propped up by US imperialism. During the â€Å"democratic†intermissions the plight of the masses continued to deteriorate. After the first decade (1947-58) of democratic regimes, such was the crisis that when Martial Law was imposed by Field Martial Ayub Khan there was even a sense of relief amongst several sections of society. Ayub Khan had the impertinence to say in one of his initial statements â€Å"we must understand that democracy cannot work in a hot climate. To have democracy we must have a cold climate like Britain. †General Ayub told the first meeting of his cabinet, â€Å"As far as you are concerned there is only one embassy that matters in this country: the American Embassy. †The Ayub dictatorship embarked upon an ambitious economic, agrarian and industrial programme in the 1960s, mainly sponsored by â€Å"US Aid†and the World Bank. Although Pakistan achieved its highest growth rates under Ayub, Keynesian economic policies failed to improve the lot of the masses. The aggravated social contradictions exploded into the revolution of 1968-69 that was fundamentally of a socialist character. See Pakistan’s Other Story-The 1968-69 Revolution]. The failure of the existing left leadership to give a clear revolutionary programme and perspective to the movement resulted in the rise of the Populism of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Due to the absence of a Bolshevik-Leninist revolutionary party the revolution was lost. But it did shake the whole of South Asia. The ruling classes initially tried to impose Martial Law again. However, its failure to curb the tide resulted in the first elections based on the adult franchise in 1970 where the PPP became the largest party in West Pakistan. Having failed to curtail the revolutionary wave that pierced through the ballot, ultimately the ruling classes resorted to a war with India, which led to the break-up of Pakistan and then Bhutto was given power who, forced by the pressure of the masses, initiated radical reforms from above, but only to exhaust the revolution brewing below. Bhutto’s elected left reformist government was subsequently overthrown by a military coup led by General Zia ul Haq in July 1977, who later hanged Bhutto at the behest of US imperialism. The eleven-year brutal dictatorship of Zia was perhaps the most traumatic period for the working masses in Pakistan. In connivance with the Americans, Zia propped up and unleashed the beast of Islamic fundamentalism to crush the left. The continuance of that grotesque monstrosity is what produced the present day fundamentalist terror that is ripping apart the social fabric of Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Zia Dictatorship began to crumble after another upheaval on the return from exile of Bhutto’s daughter Benazir in April 1986. The contradictions in the already weakened dictatorship were thus sharpened. General Zia’s plane was conveniently blown up in mid air in August 1988 – some have speculated that this may have been done at the request of the Americans, whom the megalomaniac and insane general had begun to â€Å"disobey†seeking his own personal agenda. From 1988 to 1999 there was another democratic interlude, where Benazir and Nawaz Sharif alternated in short stints of rulerships. This period was marred by an orgy of corruption, incompetence, spiralling economic decline and chaos. General Musharraf took power in a bloodless coup by overthrowing Sharif. Musharraf then introduced a â€Å"quasi-democracy†in 2002 but the 9/11 episode in the USA once again made another dictator another main American collaborator. This time the facade was not against communists but we had the so-called â€Å"war against terror†. Musharraf’s demise and the regime that ensued once again brought unprecedented agony and pain for the people of Pakistan. History has turned full circle. This vicious cycle of Pakistan’s political superstructure – dictatorship to democracy and back to dictatorship has brought no respite to society. Only the suffering has intensified. In reality this is a reflection of the ongoing social and economic crisis built into the foundations of this tragic country. The Pakistani ruling class after its independence from direct British rule came onto the scene of history too late and with this came an inability to develop the economy. It was a weak class even at its inception. It could not produce enough surpluses for its profits and capital needed to tap the resources of the country and carry out its historical role of the national revolution that its pioneers had envisaged. It adjusted itself accordingly, and its survival depended on the one hand by being subservient to imperialism and on the other allying itself and compromising with the landed aristocracy created under the Raj. The founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, as early as November 1947, less than three months after the formation of Pakistan, had sent his emissary to Washington asking for a $2bn loan. The response he got was a mere $10million of loose change. The failure of Pakistan’s ruling elite is evident 62 years later. None of the national democratic tasks have been completed. Several agrarian reforms have failed to abolish feudalism. Pakistan came into existence not as a nation but as a state comprising different nationalities. National oppression continues and the national question has become a festering wound on the body politic of this country. The task of the formation of a modern nation state is far from being achieved and will in fact further deteriorate with the impending crisis. This state of incompleteness of the tasks has wrought havoc on the social and economic life of Pakistani society. The social and political infrastructure is in a state of collapse. â€Å"National sovereignty†is a farce and hardly anybody believes in the state’s independence. Imperialist intervention and domination is on a greater scale today than it was in 1947, the year of Pakistan’s creation. Except for a few years under Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, all the finance ministers have been employees of the World Bank or other imperialist financial institutions. Now the US is even trying to control sections of Pakistan’s armed forces and intruding its military corporate contractors to take over â€Å"security†in several vital parts of the country. These include former Blackwater now XE securities, DynCorp and others. An embittered general described the strategic relationship as Americans using Pakistan as a â€Å"condom†. The conflicts within the army are also the result of this aggressive hegemony being thrust into the Military’s domain. This is already giving rise to bloody conflicts among different agencies and sections of the armed forces representing black money and other sections of finance capital. This conflict is being waged covertly at the present time. But if a desperate imperialism faces an impending defeat in Afghanistan and tries a partial US occupation of NWFP (Pushtoonkhwa), it could even trigger a severe crisis in the army already under strain from carrying out the CENTCOM instructions on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. The fallout could have catastrophic consequences. Similarly the severe crisis of Pakistani capitalism has failed to develop a parliamentary democracy. The Pakistani ruling class, in the wake of its economic failures turned to plunder of the state at an early stage. They pay less than 10% of total taxation revenues. The real burden falls on the working class who are forced to pay more than 80% of the revenues through indirect taxation. The capitalist class steals electricity and gas, while billions of dollars of bank loans have been written off. According to the figures presented before the Supreme Court of Pakistan, a small section of these leeches’ annual corruption exceeds Rs. 500 billion (US$6. 2bn). Most of this money is stashed away in western banking havens. As this process started to become more and more evident, the army, the most powerful instrument of the state, started to become part of this evil nexus of plunderers and usurpers. The drug-funded and US/Saudi sponsored Afghan Jihad brought even greater loot to the coffers of the generals. Other institutions of the state and society including the judiciary, the bureaucracy and the media joined in this orgy of corruption. Hence, whenever there was a political crisis (conflict of the civilian plunderers) the military moved in to quell the rot. The dictatorships bred more corruption and as they began to lose their grip democracy was introduced the main reason being the growing danger of a mass revolt that is provoked by these repressive regimes. Although even a bourgeois democracy is a progressive step forward as compared to military dictatorships, the exploitative system that the military rulers intervene to salvage remains intact. In Pakistan this crisis-ridden system again creates a political instability that reflects the burning economic turmoil. The army and state are not a class, but in the last analysis the economic and social conditions determine the nature of the regime that is needed by the ruling class to preserve the system of exploitation of labour. Comrade Ted Grant elaborated on this in 1949 â€Å"The state by its very nature is composed of a bureaucracy, officers, generals, heads of police etc. But those do not constitute a class; they are the instrument of a class even if they may be in antagonism to that class. They cannot themselves be a class. †(The unbroken thread, pp. 235). In Pakistan the irony is that time and again the masses have risen up against the dictatorship, fundamentally to overthrow the yoke of exploitation and misery inflicted upon them by this vicious system of class rule. When they were allowed even to make half a choice through the ballot-box they propelled the PPP to power. Yet their hopes have been dashed time and again by the PPP in government in the short span of less than 40 years. The toiling masses have been loyal to their tradition for generations. The ruling class only allowed the PPP into the corridors of power to dissipate the mass upsurge. Above all the ruling class, the state and the imperialists have used the capitulating leaders of the PPP to carry through cuts, privatisations and other drastic anti-working class measures. They could not have achieved so much with the right-wing governments of Sharif, etc. , but even under the dictatorships they combined caution with repression. However, at least in the 1970s the PPP government did carry through some reforms for the betterment of the impoverished masses. In the later PPP governments since 1988 such was the crisis of Pakistani capitalism that there was no room for even minimal reforms.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Bilingual Education Should be Changed to Immersion :: Essays Papers
Bilingual Education Should be Changed to Immersion In Korea, an education for children began to concern about languages such as English and Japanese since developing technologies and cultures unified most countries. I remember studying English and Korean by separating year when I was in a kindergarten and a senior high school. In the kindergarten and senior high school, English importantly were being considered to children with Korean. The name of a program was called, ‘Bilingual education.’ in Korea. Differently, I studied in a junior high school which just used English but Korean. The name of a program was called, ‘immersion.’ After coming to America to study in college, I found that a bilingual education and an immersion such as I also studied in the two different programs were being argued for children in not only Korea and America. Actually, in Korea, many parents of children are supporting immersion programs now. How about America? Are Americans supporting bilingual educations or immersion pr ograms? As I am an experienced person in two different programs, I want to say that not only Korea but also American has to support immersion programs for children. There are several reasons why I support immersion programs. Firstly, I think that an immersion program can quickly teach children who want to learn new languages. In my experience, I learned English as a second language in a junior high school. Most teachers were Americans except some teachers who taught Korean and Chinese, and American teachers taught several subjects such as a math, biology, and geology by English. Most teaching style was immersion programs to children. What made me to support immersion programs when I studied in a junior high school? For instance, when I learned all subjects with English at first time, I was not comfortable because I was not American but Korean. Immersion programs seemed to have a negative reaction to children and parents because students had never listened and studied English before since being in an elementary school. However, after from six month and one year, student’s reaction about immersion programs was changed to a positive point of view. Students began to adjust to study all subject s with English fast. I also was able to acquire studying the subjects fast. For example, when I wrote an essay, I always though and spoke in English.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Please refer to the Message Section. Agrarianism in Southern Literature
Agrarianism is defined as a political and social philosophy that emphasizes the importance of farming and the cultivation of plant life for man to lead a happier and fuller life.Thomas Jefferson, one of the chief proponents of Agrarian thought in American history, had mentioned its significance thus: â€Å"Those who labor in the earth are the chosen people of God, if He ever had a chosen people, whose breasts He has made His peculiar deposit for substantial and genuine virtue. It is the focus in which He keeps alive that sacred fire, which otherwise might escape from the face of the earth (â€Å"Agrarianism†).† Agrarianism in Southern literature evolved at a time when the culture of the South was supposed to have been attacked by modernity. To counter the negative impact of modernity on the Southern culture and traditions, a group of twelve traditionalist poets and writers published an Agrarian collection of essays in 1930: I’ll Take My Stand.The thesi s of this manifesto was that the past rebukes the present for the latter’s dependency on machines as opposed to nature. The South was seen as traditionally agricultural, and its people were understood as non-materialistic, religious, as well as well-educated.This viewpoint eventually took shape as an entire genre in Southern literature, as the writers and poets who had written for I’ll Take My Stand showed how Southern agrarianism could be expressed not only in poetry and essays, but also in biographies, novels, and works of literary and social criticism (MacKethan).Nevertheless, Southern agrarianism is considered an offshoot of Southern modernism, seeing that the subject of agrarian literature is alienation – a feeling of being out of place. Moreover, almost all of the agrarian authors and poets are modern (Grammer).One of the famous Southern agrarians and a contributor to I’ll Take My Stand, Allen Tate has described his writing thus: â€Å"My a ttempt is to see the present from the past, yet remain immersed in the present and committed to it (Fain and Young 189).† Even so, Southern modernism is considered an altogether separate genre (MacKethan).Influenced by modernism, Southern agrarianism is said to â€Å"produced the South (Kreyling 6).† MacKethan writes that Southern agrarianism was largely a myth which the Southern agrarians – as the contributors to I’ll Take My Stand are called – had succeeded in propagating as reality.So, although Southern agrarianism was a myth, the writers and poets who had advocated agrarianism were successful in portraying the Southern peoples as non-materialist, lovers of nature. They had managed to make the Southern peoples keep their focus on agrarianism to boot.Even so, as Kreyling maintains, the agrarian movement in Southern literature did not approach a unity of thought that the Southern agrarian writers and poets had claimed to be a mark of th eir traditional culture.Today, it is not possible to study the literature of the South without the agrarian model in its midst. Moreover, despite its mythical nature, Southern agrarianism is said to present â€Å"an aesthetically gratifying world of pure form†in literature (Grammer 131).This Southern genre is a widely accepted one. All the same, some of its proponents have left it altogether. According to Ransom, Southern agrarianism was a constraint on his imagination.Robert Penn Warren, on the other hand, is known to have immersed himself completely in the philosophy of agrarianism (Grammer). Regardless, agrarianism continues to be understood as an essential part of Southern literature, balancing the past with the present.Works Citedâ€Å"Agrarianism.†Answers. 2007. 10 Nov 2007. .Fain, John Tyree, and Thomas Daniel Young (eds.). The Literary Correspondence of DonaldDavidson and Allen Tate. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1974.Grammer, J. M. â€Å"Reconstructing Southern Literature.†American Literary History (Spring 2001),Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 126-140.Kreyling, Michael. Inventing Southern Literature. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi,1998.MacKethan, Lucinda. â€Å"Genres of Southern Literature.†Southern Spaces. 1 Aug 2005. 10 Nov2007. .Ransom, John Crowe. â€Å"Wanted: An Ontological Critic.†Selected Essays of John CroweRansom. Ed. Thomas Daniel Young and John Hindle. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1984, pp. 147-79.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Life unworthy of life: phobia and Mass murder in hitlers’ Germany
James M. Glass was known for his expertise in politics and psychology of illusion. Glass’ interests include political theory, philosophy, and political psychology. His current researches also include about the study of the psychological preconditions for engagement with civil society.This is the reason why he was able to come up with a written narrative regarding the historical background on the Nazi regime. As a result, the historical account that has been written by the particular author is a fine display of the history of the people of the time of Hitler.About the BookIn Hitler’s regime, it could be seen and imagined how hard the individual Jews struggled for their survival. If the situation would be compared to the present society today, it could be observed that the present society is already lucky it is  not experiencing what the Jews have  undergone during the those times.During the time of the German Nazi era, the rules and the code of the government were not merely implemented in good ways. The abusiveness of the power is a mere factor why so many Jewish people suffered the pains and agonies brought about by the regime.They were a part of a community that has freedom and will to do whatever they wanted to do, but during that time racial discrimination made a big impact and easily affected the German Jews. Glass’ report on the said important account of the situation has mainly pointed out several important factors that contributed to the succession of the history towards the Nazi regime.THE ENLIGHTENMENT: ACTION AND REACTIONIn the time of Hitler’s Dynasty, some of the government officials do not know what the importance of life was. Killing for them is very easy and vigorous, and they did not consider it as a crime. However, today, the situation that happened before has mainly affected the views of the present society regarding their respect of life.This touching history enlightens the people on how they will respec t each other in different ways all over the world. It is a challenge to the people to always remember how the Jews faced the bitterness of political adversary, political error and abusiveness of power by the leader of the nation
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Your Guide to an Impeccable Curriculum Vitae for Grad School
Your Guide to an Impeccable Curriculum Vitae for Grad School Among the common documents required for graduate school admission, a curriculum vitae (CV) will often be a part of your application paperwork. Not all programs require one but if you plan to go into any sort of advanced academic field, youll still need to create a CV and add to it consistently as you gain experience and publishing credentials. Whether its for a scholarship, a graduate teaching position, or a job after you graduate, having a well-written CV will be just as important as your resume.Your CV will be an important document for graduate school admission and post-grad work.A lot of people get confused between the difference between a CV and a resume. The easiest way to look at it is to understand that the purpose of a CV is to highlight your academic accomplishments and experience, while a resume focuses more on your professional qualifications and work history. There are some elements theyll both have- such as your contact information, any professional degrees you hold and where you earned them- but for the most part, theyll look like two very different documents.The sections of a CVThe sections youll want to include on a CV for grad school will likely be different than what youd include on a CV for a university teaching position. For example, a CV for a teaching position is commonly divided into the following sections:Personal detailsEducationTeaching ExperienceResearch ExperienceHonors and AwardsGrants AwardedTechnical CompetenciesProfessional ExperiencePublicationsConference PresentationsAcademic and Professional MembershipsResearch and Teaching InterestsCommunity Service, Volunteer Work, and Extra†Curricular ActivitiesAdditional Relevant Skills and LanguagesReferencesIf you dont have relevant information to include beneath any of these section headings, youll want to leave out that section, obviously. However, well go over what each of these sections should include, and show you an example of what it might look like with the correct formatti ng.Personal detailsThis section is the same as how youd begin a resume, with your name, mailing address, telephone number and email address. This information should be in a larger, bolder font compared to the rest of your CV to make it stand out.Joseph A. Smith1555 Main Street, Apartment 212Columbus, Ohio 43004(614) 555-1212 ââ€" joesmith@columbusc.eduEducationIn this section, you should include the academic institutions youve attended, starting with the most recent and working backward. Your high school information should be included, but dont include any information for middle school or elementary school.As with a resume, you should include the school or colleges name, the city and state where it is located, the degree you received (or are currently working on), the Latinate honors you were granted at graduation (if applicable), the program major or concentration, a thesis or dissertation you completed (if applicable), and the dates you attended.Masters in Education, magna cum laude (June 2017)Columbus College, Columbus, OhioThesis title: Reading Strategies for At-Risk, Low-Level ReadersTeaching ExperienceIf youre writing your CV for graduate school, you likely wont have teaching experience to include. However, if this section is relevant and you do have teaching experience to add, include the position, the dates you held it, where the position was held, and a bullet list of all of your duties associated with your job.8th Grade Language Arts Instructor (2016-2017)Columbus City Schools, Columbus, OhioTaught state-mandated objectives in English grammar, writing and literature to students identified as intellectually gifted.Conducted writing workshops for faculty and students focused on state writing assessments; developed professional workshops for faculty members on topics relating to writing and grammar.Maintained classroom grades, records, and parent contact.Research ExperienceHaving strong research skills and experience is highly useful to academic depa rtments looking to hire graduate assistants. Its also vital if youre going to be a university professor, as research is required of all tenured academic appointments. Heres an example of what your research experience section might look like:Research Assistant (2015-2016)Department of English, Columbus CollegeAssisted Professor William OReily with primary and secondary source research.Assisted with gathering data and writing methodology of Methods of Making Reading Relevant for At-Risk Boys, published in the Journal of American EducationHonors and AwardsThis is the portion of your CV containing a list of honors and awards youve received. Be sure to include in this section any Presidents List or Deans Lists honors you have earned (along with the years you received them).Award of Excellence in Research, Columbus College, Columbus, OH (2017)Deans List, Columbus College, Columbus, OH (2015-2017)Phi Beta Kappa Award for Outstanding Achievement (2016)Grants AwardedThe standard format for l isting any grants you may have received is the following:Current Research (beginning with the most recent one then working backwards)Grant # (PI Name)Name of Funding Organization (avoid using acronyms)Amount AwardedPeriod of Grant AwardTitle of ProjectRole on Project (if not the PI)Technical CompetenciesYour technical competencies are any skills you have beyond your professional and academic experience that would benefit you across industries or roles. For example, your list might look something like this:Project ManagementTechnical WritingData AnalysisData MiningDatabase ManagementStatistical AnalysisProfessional ExperienceYour professional experience is any experience you have earned outside of academic circles, particularly in the working/career world (if both worlds have co-existed for you). As example might be:Assistant Editor (2016-2017)Columbus FlyerConducted interviews and wrote feature articles related to philanthropy, the Arts, events and people in the Greater Columbus are a.Copyedited each months issue, including calendar/event listings, advertiser contributions and contributions from other writers, ensuring consistency and an error-free publication.Librarian (2010-2013)Columbus Public LibraryShelved books and restocked missing items.Assisted patrons with finding books, researching, paying library fines, using the computers, and looking through microfiche.PublicationsFor this section, you should list your publishing credits. This can include both academic and professional or freelance writing, such as the example below:Smith, J. (2013, June 1). Outreach Opportunities for Volunteers. Columbus Flyer. Retrieved from columbusflyer.comGrant, P. Smith, J. (2017, March 2). Strategies for Teaching Struggling Readers. Journal of Reading Readiness. Retrieved from http://findjournal.orgConference PresentationsAs with your publishing credits, experiences with conference presentations should be highlighted on your CV, as well. This shows potential employers or a cademic programs that you are comfortable teaching and instructing others, as well as sharing your findings with relevant audiences. Heres an example of how this section might look:Poster, November 2015: Your Cues In Classroom Management.Undergraduate Educational Arts Symposium, Columbus College.Paper, November 2016: There Are More Ways Than You Can Imagine to Teach a ChildPhi Beta Kappa Annual Conference, Memphis, TN.Academic and Professional MembershipsThis section is a list of the various academic and professional organizations of which you are a member. A longer list shows that you are involved with your field and seek professional development and networking opportunities within it. Your list might look something like this:Modern Language AssociationInternational Sociological AssociationSociety of Young ResearchersPhi Beta Kappa SocietyResearch and Teaching InterestsEspecially if you are creating a CV for graduate school admissions, your audience should be made aware of any rese arch or teaching interests you have. Your list might look something like this:At-Risk/Low-Level ReadersContent Area Teaching and LearningCurriculum and InstructionDevelopmental MilestonesDifferentiated InstructionEarly Literacy DevelopmentEducational Technology and Digital MediaEnglish Language LearnersIntervention and PreventionLearning DisabilitiesSustained Silent Reading (SSR)Community Service, Volunteer Work, and Extra†Curricular ActivitiesAdmissions committees and potential employers like to know that you know how to balance your life with activities outside of the classroom or office. This section of your CV might look something like this:Community Volunteer Mentor (2015-2016)Public Libraries of Columbus, OHServed on volunteer committee focused on bringing free mentoring and tutoring services to low-income students.Tutored and mentored low-income, at-risk students needing additional support to succeed in school.Womens Shelter Volunteer (2008-2013)Womens Shelter of Columb usAssisted with intake of abused and battered women and their children, including counseling, finding suitable clothing and personal toiletry items, scheduling appointments with community outreach services, and leading group sessions.Assisted with shelter upkeep, including cleaning, organization, intake of donations, and food services.Additional Relevant Skills and LanguagesFor this section, list any languages you speak, including whether youre a native speaker or are only fluent in writing it (rather than speaking). The section might look something like this:English (Native)French (Fluent in speaking and writing)ReferencesAs with a resume, including references on your CV allows your audience to contact others to learn more about their experiences working with you or knowing you on a personal level.Tamara Evans, Professor of English,Columbus College(614) 997-8273tamevans@columbusc.eduLacey Smith, Managing EditorColumbus Flyer(614) 543-6372Lacey@columbusflyer.comCV formattingFinally, here are a few additional formatting rules to consider for your CV:Use an 11- or 12- point, easily readable font, such as Times New Roman.Set your margins to approximately one inch.Think like a graphic designer and include enough white space to make sure your CV is easy to read and scan.Be sure to bold, underline, or capitalize important information, but do it consistently.Include a header with your name and page number on each page.Avoid use of abbreviations and acronyms that others might not understand outside of your field.Only print on one side of each sheet of paper.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Artificiality and Fallibility in Northanger Abbey
Artificiality and Fallibility in Northanger Abbey Jane Austen, through the development of socially conscious female characters, is able to render a remarkably accurate depiction of the social structure present during the late 18th century. Her social commentary, however, highlights certain unbecoming qualities in both her protagonists and antagonists, particularly their artificiality. This feature of her writing is especially evident in her satiric novel Northanger Abbey. While Austen is clear in her criticism of characters such as Isabella and John Thorpe, neither of whom is in Catherine’s favor at the end of the novel, the author appears to be far more accepting of the affectedness of General Tilney, who is portrayed as a severe but fair man. Through the artificiality of her characters and the claims she makes about them, Austen weakens the motifs she intends to exemplify, making her an unreliable author. General Tilney is consistently illustrated as a strange man with a somewhat severe manner. Despite this, the text never truly suggests that he is a bad man. He is kind enough to invite Catherine to stay with the Tilneys at Northanger Abbey and, although he is concerned with superficial things such as the grandeur of his home and the wealth of his childrens’ spouses, the text suggests that he wants only the best for his children. Near the end of the novel, Catherine even admits that General Tilney’s interference in their marriage may have actually strengthened the bond between her and Henry, for which she thanks the general: â€Å"†¦the General’s unjust interference, so far from being really injurious to the their felicity, was perhaps conducive to it, by improving their knowledge of each other, and adding strength to their attachment, I leave it to be settled by whomever it may concern, whether the tendency of this work be altogether to recommend parental t yranny, or reward filial disobedience†(Austen 235). Despite Catherine’s fairly positive opinion of him at the end of the novel, the general still proves to be quite artificial early on when, after trying so ardently to impress her in hopes of securing a wealthy wife for Henry, he rudely casts her out of his home without explanation upon hearing from John Thorpe that Catherine’s family is poor. Austen tries to forgive General Tilney’s bad behavior by stating that his conduct may have strengthened the bond between Henry and Catherine, yet his actions were undeniably callous, regardless of the end product. His superficial treatment of Catherine is based entirely off of his focus on money, and this quality makes it difficult to accept the positive light that Austen attempts to shine on him at the end of the story, causing her to appear unreliable as an author. The most artificial character of Northanger Abbey is arguably Isabella Thorpe. Although she initially appears to be perfectly friendly and immediately forms a close bond with Catherine, the text makes it clear that she is somewhat superficial and would be content gossiping the day away. On several occasions, she gloats her apathy toward financial status, claiming that â€Å"[her] wishes are so moderate that the smallest income in nature would be enough for [her]. Where people are really attached, poverty itself is wealth; grandeur [she] detest[s]†(112), as well as that â€Å"a [small] income would satisfy [her]†¦ [She] hate[s] money†(128). The reader, however, later finds that upon learning of her fianc? James Morland’s modest income, she immediately begins to flirt with Fredrick Tilney and eventually calls off the wedding. The reader even catches Isabella contradicting her earlier quotes when speaking to Catherine of her undesired gentleman caller, John T horpe: â€Å"You have both of you something, to be sure, but it is not a trifle that will support a family nowadays; and after all that romancers may say, there is no doing without money†(135). Even though Isabella claims on multiple occasions that finances do not concern her and that wealth even creates a deficit in relationships, she completely flips her argument in both her actions and opinions when she abandons James and tells Catherine that romance is not enough to support a family with modest income. Although Isabella is portrayed in an increasingly negative light as the plot progresses, she commits actions that are rather similar to those of General Tilney, but it is the products of their activities that appear to decide the author’s view of them. The characters’ actions are similar in that they both send away their respective Morlands upon finding that they are not wealthy, but their rewards differ: General Tilney is somewhat respected for the sternness that strengthened Henry and Catherine’s marriage, while Isabella is scorned by the narrator and essentially forgotten by the end. The narrator’s unequal judgment of each character again suggests that Jane Austen is unreliable in her portrayal of the morals she wishes to convey. In addition to the artificiality of Austen’s characters and the inconsistencies that they produce, the narrator also illustrates the same trait in her description of Catherine. Throughout Northanger Abbey, Austen repeatedly refers to Catherine as the story’s heroine. As early as the first pages of the novel, Austen builds Catherine up as the unsuspecting hero: â€Å"No one who had ever seen Catherine Morland in her infancy would have supposed her born a heroine†(13). Naturally, because of frequent recurrence of this description, the reader spends the entirety of the story waiting for Catherine to prove herself worthy of the title. Spoiler alert: she doesn’t. A heroine is admired for her courage and noble qualities, and although Catherine is consistently portrayed as having good nature and fair judgment, at no point does she truly verify that she is a great person herself. By failing to show what she repeatedly tells the audience to be true, Austen again i llustrates her unreliability as a narrator. Jane Austen is an author of critical acclaim within the literary world, but, like any other author, her writings exhibit many flaws. Her account of Northanger Abbey creates a social commentary in which she attempts to criticize the superficial foci of the era’s social scene. Her success in conducting an efficacious critique, however, is hindered by inconsistencies in the artificiality of her characters and their descriptions. Through the artificiality of her characters and the claims she makes about them, Austen weakens the motifs she intends to exemplify, making her an unreliable author in her account of Northanger Abbey. Bibliography Austen, Jane. Northanger Abbey. New York: Penguin Books, 1995. Print.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Online education can be good supplement to regular school education Research Paper
Online education can be good supplement to regular school education - Research Paper Example According to Doan, Kim and Bloomfield (65), this kind of education is facilitated by virtual schools which are web-based programs catering for distance education students’ needs. Virtual schools provide facilitation for online education by providing the necessary learning environment consisting of software and hardware essential for online learning (Means 9). In the list of what virtual schools provide are cyber schools, electronic schools, cyber charts and e-schools. The internet has been observed to contain information overload (Greenblatt and Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly 788). This information is important in providing expansion of knowledge that is attained in regular school education. Thus, online learning serves this purpose of adding to the learning attained through regular school education programs. The combination of both, regular school learning and online learning, characteristically comprise what is referred to as blended learning. This has substantial benefits to an individual’s knowledge enrichment. The delivery as well as receiving of online courses involves relatively user-friendly essential software and hardware. The software system utilized for the packaging the communication tools, grade book, course content among other essential elements of the course is the learning management system (LMS) (Doan, Kim and Bloomfield 63). The second essential software for online learning is the student information system (SIS) which basically manages the students’ data (Ibid 63). Online instructors and students utilize audio and video plug-ins: to share course contents. Basic productivity software such as web browsers, Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat Reader and Microsoft PowerPoint are important for a variety of activities expected of the instructors and students for information sharing (Ibid 64). Hardware requirements are also
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Varieties of Judgment in the Critique of Pure Reason Assignment
Varieties of Judgment in the Critique of Pure Reason - Assignment Example As a result, while synthetic judgments are informative, they must be justified by referring to external or outside principles. On this theme, Kant begins by supposing that both Hume and Leibniz had not properly between the two distinct forms of judgment and that, in fact, they had made only one distinction, which was the difference between uninformative truths on the basis of pure reason and factual matters on the basis of sensory experience (Kant 37). Kant argues that the two distinctions were not wholly coextensive; also stating that all four combinations that are logically possible should be taken into consideration. The first combination, analytic a posteriori judgments, is not logical because one does not need to use experience in order to support an assertion that is purely explicative. Secondly, synthetic a posteriori judgments would be considered as generally uncontroversial facts that humans come to know of because of their sensory experience (Kant & Hatfield 45). Thirdly, analytic a priori judgments are those that are necessarily true because they include all straightforward definitions and merely logical truths. Finally, synthetic a priori judgments can be considered as the most crucial case from Kant’s arguments, specifically because they can only provide necessarily true new information.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
How Was Christianity Effective Spiritually to African Slaves When They Essay
How Was Christianity Effective Spiritually to African Slaves When They Were Forced Into Slavery - Essay Example ery being the darkest and most excruciating as they must have been too the period that drew the best abilities and most noble of traits among the race, a look into their spirituality during those periods must be a whole enlightening exercise that should provide truly relevant references for our present situations. This paper shall be specific to the Christian Spirituality of the African slaves during the Atlantic Slave Trade era between the 16th and the 19th century. Christianity was first introduced in West Africa by the Portuguese in the sixteenth century. I have no source to indicate the extent of Christian conversions in the western coasts of Africa by the 1700’s . But that side of Africa having had trade relations with Europeans already at those times, notably with the Spaniards, the Portuguese and the Dutch, there must have been some extent of evangelization going on by those times. In the book From Slavery to Freedom, author John Hope Franklyn mentions resistance of the native Africans to the Christian Faith as the bearers of the teachings were associated with the institutions of the slave trade to the New World. "It was a strange religion, this Christianity," he wrote, "which taught equality and brotherhood and at the same time introduced on a large scale the practice of tearing people from their homes and transporting them to a distant land to become slaves." Compounding this local resistance is the deliberate and methodic eradic ation of the Africans’ identity in the slave trade. Folk religions, as were the African traditional beliefs and cultures, even their languages, were being systematically suppressed to deter organized resistance. â€Å"Slaves in the eighteenth century came from various African societies, cultures and nations, such as the Ibo, Ashanti and Yoruba on the West African Coast. Consequently, slaves from differing ethnic groups displayed little commonalities. Africans were black, but did not experience a homogenous existence they shared
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Australia
Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Australia Non-communicable diseases (NCDs): NCDs are a group of non-infectious diseases that progress slowly from their onset and prevail for longer duration. The four main NCDs responsible for world-wide deaths are cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), Cancer, Chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes. According to the â€Å"World Health Organization (WHO) global statistics report†, more than 36 million deaths have been recorded in the year 2008 because of NCDs. These deaths can be prevented by reducing the risk factors such as tobacco and alcohol consumption, healthy diet with moderate to vigorous physical activity. The four major NCDs combined together are responsible for 84% of death in 2008 globally. This assignment deals with CVDs, their prevalence in Australia and the population approaches that the country has taken towards prevention and control of CVDs. This assignment also deals with the future strategies that can be followed to further decrease the prevalence of CVDS. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs): CVDs are associated with heart and blood vessels related to the heart. The most common NCD prevalent in Australia are Coronary Heart disease, Myocardial Infarction, Heart failure and Stroke. According to WHO, CVDs has become the major cause of death estimating about 17 million deaths worldwide in the year 2008 and are a major contributor towards global economic burden. Cardiovascular diseases and Australia: Even though Australia is a high income country, it is also affected because of NCD’s with 35% cardiovascular disease death rate in 2008. 2008 Australian mortality estimates: Adopted from WHO – NCD country profiles, 2011 CVDs ranks first in causing death and disability responsible for nearly 17% of disease burden in 2003. In 2008, more than 50,000 deaths have been recorded because of CVD. There is a strong linkage between CVD and other NCDs such as diabetes and chronic kidney disease (CKD) due to their common risk factors which is also a major reason for the increase in death. Even though the mortality rates have declined over the past 20 years, CVDs are a continuous threat to the Australian population. In 2011, a death estimation of 31% was recorded which clearly denotes a decrease in death rate when compared to the 2008 death estimates of over 35%. CVDs are expensive to treat. Over $5.9 billion were spent on CVDs from total healthcare expenditure in 2004-2005. This accounts for 11% of total healthcare expenditure. Even though death rates are decreased, 482,000 hospitalizations were recorded in 2009/10 and 12% increase in hospitalization is seen from 1999 to 2010. CVDs prevalence increases with an increase in age. This increase is due to hospitalisation care for elderly and their improved life expectancy. After hospitalization and onset of CVDs, a decline in people’s life quality occurs. Long term cardiovascular diseases are reported in 35% of people between the ages 55-64 while 64% are reported in case of individuals above 75 years. Risk factors: The risk factors associated with CVDs can be classified as modifiable/behavioural risk factors and non-modifiable/genetic risk factors. Age, family history, gender and ethnicity are the genetic risk factors whereas increased tobacco and alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, socio-economic status and poor nutrition are the modifiable risk factors. There are biomedical conditions such as increased blood pressure (BP), increased cholesterol, overweight, kidney disorders, diabetes which are also risk factors for the prevalence of CVDs. The modifiable risk factors can be controlled by changing the behavioural pattern such as increased physical activity, reduction in tobacco and alcohol consumption and healthy dietary pattern. This change decreases the occurrence of CVD in all populations. Physical inactivity in Australia: Physical activity improves health and decreases the effect of CVDs and its risk factors. Increased benefit is seen when vigorous physical activity is followed compared to walking. According to National Health Survey (NHS), nearly 70% of Australian population comes under low level of physical activity. Here, the physical activity is measured based on the value obtained by multiplying physical activity in last two weeks, average time spent and intensity. Intensity is substituted by 3.5 for normal walking, 5.0 for moderate activity and 7.5 for vigorous exercise. Physical activity (PA) differs with age. There is a 57% rise in physical activity in individuals aged above 75 yrs and a reduced physical activity of 27% is recorded in 15-20 year individuals. This is due to obesity, low socio-economic status and education. 4.4% of participants from a study conducted on 2,298 Australian resulted in obesity being the reason for physical inactivity. Poor health, lack of knowledge and skills, time and use of private vehicles serve as individual factors for less PA. Low socio-economic population have reduced access to supportive environments because of high cost entry fees. Unhealthy diet in Australia: A diet with high fat, dairy products and high salt causes CVDs. Data from National Health Service (NHS) of Australia for the year 2007-08 reported that 46% of Australian population consumed whole fat milk, 49% consumed skimmed milk and the remaining 5% fell under no milk consumption category. Diet rich in fibre, fresh fruits, and vegetables are recommended as healthy dietary pattern. Diet with high fruits and vegetables are recorded as age increases. 65.7% the Australian population aged 15-24 consume low fruits while only 34.6% the population aged 75 and above consume inadequate fruits. NHS reports that a decreasing trend is seen in the consumption of healthy diet in all Australian populations from 2004. This decline in healthy diet is due to socio-economic status, ethnicity and place of living. 54% of low socio-economic individuals consume inadequate fruits compared to 47% of the individuals with high economic status due to cost. In case of welfare dependent families, a healthy diet consumes about 40% of their total income which is also a reason for increase in unhealthy diet in Australia. Based on ethnicity, 71% of indigenous population consumed low fruits compared to Australians. Tobacco consumption in Australia: Increased tobacco use is a major factor for CVDs prevalence due to the presence of toxic substance called nicotine and cadmium. According to Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), the percentage of tobacco consumption has been reduced in Australia from 1994 to 2007 from 29% to 19% in the age group above 14 years. It has been reported that the percentages of individuals who smoke daily were 26% in 1993 which reduced to 17% in 2003 and 16% in 2007. This decrease in smoking trend from 1980 till present is because of smoke-free environment, occupational status, increase in price of tobacco, banning the promotion of tobacco sale and restriction of tobacco availability based on age factor. Increased alcohol consumption in Australia: Excessive alcohol consumption contributes towards occurrence of CVDs. High level of alcohol intake increases blood pressure, blood triglycerides and cholesterol thus increasing the chances of cardiovascular occurrences. According to National Drug Strategy Household Survey 2010, a decrease in alcohol consumption from 8.1% to 7.2% is seen from 2007 to 2010. More than 26,000 individuals above 12 years participated in the National Drug Strategy Household Survey and their knowledge, alcohol and drug consumption histories and related behaviours were recorded. According to 2011-12 estimates, more than 29% adult males and 10% females have had more than two standards drink fixed by National Health and Medical Research Council. High blood pressure in Australia: High blood pressure increases the force on arterial walls of the heart and is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. The prevalence of high blood pressure among 25 years of above Australians in 1999-2000 was 30% which is similar to the prevalence in 1995 which was 31%. A 12 year follow-up of the Australian diabetes, obesity and lifestyle study, 1999-2000 (AUSDIAB) conducted in the year 2012 reported that 3% of total population develop high blood pressure every year. 50% high risk prevails among smoking men population in Australia. High blood cholesterol in Australia: High cholesterol is common among elderly Australian population aged 55-64 years. 50% of rural Australian population have high cholesterol rate than urban population (47%). Prevention strategies: Unhealthy diet, increased alcohol consumption, smoking and physical inactivity are not only responsible for the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases but also for the burden caused by other non-communicable diseases. The Australian government along with non-government organizations created population-level prevention strategies to reduce the risk factors which reduce the country’s NCDs burden. Population-level initiatives currently active in Australia: Based on WHO 2005, the following population-level strategies are followed in Australia to reduce the prevalence of the risk factors. Laws, regulations, taxation and pricing interventions Improved built environment Public awareness campaigns Tobacco control: Since 1980’s, significant improvement in public health can be seen through awareness programmes, laws and regulations. Evidence proves that promotion of tobacco encourages adolescent population to uptake smoking. So, Tobacco prohibition Act, 1992 was passed to ban any forms of advertisement. According to Quit Victoria 2008, sponsorship by tobacco companies is also banned in return for any type of publicity. From 2006, 30% of the front and 90% of the back of cigarette packets are filled with health warnings. Smoke free environment have been present in Australia from 1986. All the Australian states have smoke-free hospital campus and vehicles. With time and place restriction to smoke, decrease in amount of smokers and passive smokers have been recorded. Presence of tobacco outlets near schools has been prohibited. Laws have been passes in all the states and territories of Australia prohibiting the sale of tobacco and cigarettes to individuals less than 18 years of age. Taxation on tobacco products was introduced in 1901 and was revised between 1993 and 1995. Based on consumer index, an increase in taxation prevails. This taxation reduced the tobacco purchase among adolescents, also increasing the government revenue. Awareness and campaigns resulted in a change in attitude among Australian smokers with a significant decrease in smoking prevalence. Alcohol control: Excessive alcohol consumption on a single occasion alters the triglyceride and cholesterol level in blood resulting in intoxication. The National Alcohol strategy, 2006-09 aimed at reducing harmful effects of alcohol consumption. The National binge drinking strategy-2008 existed to reduce alcohol intoxication among young Australians aged below 25 years through campaigns and supplying grants. Every state in Australia has separate alcohol control strategy according to which alcohol is a legal drug with restrictions on its manufacture, supply, promotion and consumption. Alcohol licensing laws were established which restricts the trading hours, quantity and premises. These have been successful by reducing the hospitalization, crime and injury with public involvement. Declaring the legal drinking age to be 18, increasing the price and tax, appropriate labelling standards and mature advertising standard without appealing youths prevented increased alcohol consumption. The Good Sports program by the Australian Drug Foundation (ADF) initiates safe and healthier communities by reducing the alcohol promotion in sport clubs. Managing physical inactivity and poor diet: Regular physical activity and healthy nutrition maintains good health thereby reducing CVDs. National level population approaches such as â€Å"Healthy weight for adults and older Australians 2006-10†focuses on weight management through social-marketing campaigns and education on physical activity as well as healthy food preferences. The â€Å"Health Weight, 2008†is another national level approach that focuses on youths and their family’s health management. The â€Å"Australian physical activity†guidelines are established by the Department of Health (DoHA) for 5-12 years as well as 12-18 years. The National Heart Foundation of Australia recommends minimum 30 minutes of physical activity for individuals with stable CVDs and a progressive physical activity for people with advanced CVDs (Briffa et al. 2006). Physical activity depends on built environment. The Australian Local Government, Heart Foundation of Australia and Planning Institute of Australia pro vide guidelines on how to develop built environment with physical activity sites. According to Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ 2002), appropriate labelling of foods specifying the nutritional standards is necessary. The â€Å"Healthy Weight†is an Australian government managed website on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. â€Å"Get set 4 Life – Habits for Healthy Kids†targets physical activity and healthy eating among 4 year old kids. Future strategies and goals: Even though 35% mortality is seen because of CVDs, the possibility of reducing it even more in Australia is challenging since a progress to control CVDs has already been achieved. Measurement data’s such as incidences for the risk factors are important to prevent future cardiovascular mortality rates. Currently, limited data exists regarding CVDs. Most of the data’s are from the AusDiab cohort studies. Further studies should exist to measure incidence as well as to determine the efficiency of prevailing population level strategies. The impact of these prevention strategies on health outcomes are also to be measured. Clinical guidelines are present to monitor the CVDs events (NHMRC, 2005) but extra studies are required to find whether the guidelines are active in all states. International guidelines from other countries (example, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence in United Kingdom) can be useful. It is necessary to concentrate more on the social and e nvironment factors as well as in-depth analysis to verify the success rate of population-level initiatives. WHOs targets for control of NCDs and the likelihood of these targets happening in Australia include: Decreasing the NCDs mortality rate: 25% relative reduction in the overall mortality rates within a time span of 15 years. This is possible by preventing the premature deaths through the control of risk factors. By 2018, the Australian government also aims at increasing the life expectancy in indigenous children population under 5 years. Smoking tobacco: 40% relative reduction from the current prevalence by 2025. From the 2010 National Drug Strategy Survey, 15.1% of individuals aged 14 years and above smoke daily. By this target, a daily smoking percentage of 10.6% can be achieved. Alcohol consumption: 10% relative reduction of alcohol consumption by 2025. Physical Activity: Inclusion of 30 minutes moderate physical activity per week in the adult population. A target of 15% increase in the proportion of individuals participating in such physical activity by 2015. Healthy diet – reduction in salt and trans-fat: Reducing the mean population consumption of salt to 5gms per day. This is hard to achieve since it requires laws and legislation to completely eliminate trans-fat. Instead of a total elimination, reduction in usage of fatty acids in foods can be achieved. Conclusion: Australia has already achieved a target to reduce the burden caused by NCDs. Considering the present situation, it is possible to reduce the risk factors rather than eliminating them completely. The above mentioned targets along with effective medication and lifestyle changes successfully will reduce the current prevalence of risk factors and NCDs burden in Australia.
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