Sunday, May 10, 2020
The s Theory Of Aging Essay - 984 Words
This research was revolved around R. C. Peck’s Theory of Aging. Peck invented a theory about how elders can age successfully. He states that they must adjust psychologically in 3 distinct different ways: Self-differentiation, Body transcendence, and Self-transcendence. Self-differentiation is when people retire from work or when children leave home for good, they must figure out whether or not they still have value in our society. They may ask questions like â€Å"If I’m not doing my usual role, how am I contributing to the world?†or â€Å"What is worthwhile about me now?†People need to get used to this by coming up with ways they can still have their self-esteem now that they are not fulfilling their usual roles. Body transcendence is when people age, they develop chronic and serious health problems, their bodies cannot move like they used to and their physical appearance becomes worse, which is not always the case if you take care of yourself. The maj ority of elderly may become disabled. People need to adjust by figuring out how to be happy in life in spite of their physical disabilities and health issues. Self-transcendence describes the stage of approaching death in which people need to focus on how they can help other people, especially their families and friends who will still remain after their departure. People need to adjust by coming up with how to help their loved ones and leave a good legacy. This is not about them adjusting to their approaching death, but much ratherShow MoreRelatedTheory of Successful Aging1648 Words  | 7 PagesTheory Of Successful Aging INTERNAL CRITICISM Adequacy: The Flood’s Theory of Successful Aging (Flood, 2005) was developed to addresses a nursing theory for care of the older adult regarding to the lack of nursing theory that offers clearly delineated guidelines for care of aging. 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Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Ando, M., Morita, T. (2010). Efficacy of the structured life review and the short-term life review on the spiritual well-being of terminally ill cancer patients. Health. 2010;02(04):342–6. Boehm, J. K., Vie, L. L., Kubzansky, L. D. (2012). The promise of well-being
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